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Kids listen to an OK2Say presentation

If you see something, say something. That’s the message our students heard in special presentations from OK2Say, an online tool to alert an adult or authorities to something wrong to keep everyone safe.

These Alamo 4th graders learned important lessons during a virtual presentation from OK2Say earlier in October. This presentation was heavily focused on staying safe online.

They learned to "Keep Safe", "Keep Away" and "Keep Telling". Keep away was a key term to stay away from any strangers online. If they don't them in person, they should not talk to them online. "Make sure to tell your parents if anyone wants to talk to you or makes you feel uncomfortable online," they learned. 

They also learned that parents should know about all apps students are using; they should not give out any personal information, passwords or plans. 

Not only should they watch out for strangers, but recognize inappropriate or bullying behavior online - called cyber bullying. "If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?" they heard.

OPS encourages all students to tell an adult when they feel something isn’t right, or someone is in trouble, but OK2Say offers a confidential way to make a report if needed. You can read more online:

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